Thanks for your interest in helping us. Below are our current needs. If there’s anyway you can help us, we will be grateful to you.
1. Please tell 5 (yes, just five) of your friends and family who can benefit from p2w2 or our blog. They can benefit if the person can outsource any work on p2w2 or if the person has a skill using which he/she can take up projects on p2w2.
2. Put p2w2 content on your blog or website: You can use this widget to display p2w2 content on your blog or website. Sample of how it looks and the code are below.
If you need help in putting this content on your blog, feel free to contact us.
3. Cartoonist We need a good cartoonist who can draw funny cartoons/comic strips. It will be great if the person can develop the concept on his/her own and can work on piece basis.
4. Feedback Please give us feedback after using the product and the blog. We love candid feedback that will help make the website and blog more useful to you.
5. Refer good candidates for jobs at p2w2 If you know a good candidate who would like to work with us, please refer.
If you would like to contact us, you can write to us at p2w2 AT p2w2 DOT com