Voice your opinion: What do you want to read on p2w2 blog?

p2w2 blog just completed 6 months of it’s existence.  I would

say, after 25 posts (this is 26th), we have a good hang of how to create a good blog. But what I am more worried about is whether we are writing about issues you face? Is the blog helpful to you? Is it creating the environment where you could or want to talk? Are the topics relevant?

I have created a little survey for you. I will be grateful if you could take the survey.

Take the survey.

4 Replies to “Voice your opinion: What do you want to read on p2w2 blog?”

  1. I just took the survey. Everything is great so far, the only minor problem I have is the frequncy of posting. I’m glad you’ve been concentrating on the quality, and not quantity, but I think maybe increasing to 5 or 6 posts a month will help keep readers coming back!

  2. Matt, thanks for your suggestion and for taking the survey. I will focus on increasing the frequency. I would also like to know what other topics would you like me to cover?

  3. Hi Chaitanya,
    Congrats first…..
    I didn’t take the survey but I do keep a track on updates on your blog when ever i get time,Its been very informative & interesting too.you have touched every topic,the good part maintained is you kept in mind the Quality and not frequency of the post….
    I would like to see more relevant post of how to setup a SMB related IT and online business like P2W2,Recently you did post Assess Your Small Business with Smart Start Assessment Tool which was useful for people like me but i would like to see more on various aspects involved in it..(evaluating their concept,design,registering the company,legal,marketing,etc)
    Also your experience shared with us in setting up P2w2,which can help other maintain/setup their own business like yours….

    Once again do keep the good job going….

  4. Gouri Shankar,

    Thanks for your compliments and an elaborate comment. I will try my best to add to this from my experience.

    I would like add that you should feel free to add your own comments to blog posts because only when people like you comment will multiple points of view come up. And I hope there will be a discussion about the topic.

    Thank you for your time.

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